
NightFINDER™ 200

This product combines a powerful xenon searchlight and embedded thermal camera within a compact, sleek, and aesthetic design. An optional high-powered strobe provides nonlethal deterrence, and it instantly transforms the searchlight into a nonlethal weapon. Since the searchlight and camera are aligned on the same target, the operator uses the camera as a covert targeting device to instantly illuminate the intruder.

  • Beam Intensity: 15 Million Beam Candlepower (candela)
  • Distance Serviced on Clear Night: 3873 Meters (approx.)
  • Remote Electric Beam-Size Focus
  • Embedded Thermal Camera:
    • Resolution: 384 x 288
    • Field of View: 28° Horiz x 21° Vert
  • Bullet-resilient Reflector
  • Slip-Rings Provide Continuous 360-Degree Rotation With No Stop Points
  • Upside-Down Base-Up Mounting Option
  • Proportional-Speed Joystick Control
cut out image of Carlisle and Finch's 200 Watt Pleasure Yacht Nightfinder sleek light